100% Quality
100% Warranty
+ 65000 parts on stock!
100% Quality
Guaranteed Quality and Fit:
We guarantee every part to fit exactly as the original. During production and before your parts leave our warehouse, every part goes through our Quality Control Service and is approved by our Quality Manager. If it does not pass Quality Control on every test, it is not shipped.
Guaranteed Performance:
Every part is guaranteed to equal or exceed the performance specifications of the original part (from OEM) it replaces.
100% Warranty
Guaranteed One Year in Use:
The 1 (One) year warranty does not begin until the part goes in the pump, even if it sits on your part warehouse shelf for years.
(excepted rubber part who need to be use in due time).
Guaranteed Durability:
We guarantee one year from the date of installation for defects in construction or materials. This does not cover normal wear and tear, or mishandling during storage.
Guaranteed certifications:
If required material certifications as well as FDA (Food and Drug Administration) certifications will be provided.
ATEX normalisation available!
+ 65000 parts on stock!
Guaranteed to have your parts available:
We store more than 65000 parts, the biggest storage of spares ever seen!
For deliveries just in time !